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Copy PDF Document with iText
How to copy PDF document using iText Java Library? Here is a tutorial for copying PDF document and update it's information using iText Java Library. 1. Create a Java file, PdfUpdate.java: /** * Copy PDF and update info */ import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.*; import java.io.*; public class PdfUpdate { p...
2021-11-13, 1682🔥, 0💬

Embed Image in PDF with iText
How to embed images in PDF using iText Java Library? Here is a tutorial for creating a PDF document with an embedded image using iText Java Library. 1. Create a Java file, EmbeddedImage.java: /** * An image embedded in text in PDF with iText */ import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.*; import com.itextpdf.l...
2021-11-13, 1022🔥, 0💬

Get PDF Document Info with iText
How to get PDF document information using iText Java Library? Here is a tutorial for getting PDF document information using iText Java Library. 1. Create a Java file, PdfInfo.java: /** * Get PDF info */ import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.*; import java.io.*; public class PdfInfo { public static void mai...
2021-11-13, 903🔥, 0💬

SLF4J API Binding to Logging Libraries
How to bind SLF4J API to different Logging Libraries? Since SLF4J only provides an abstract logging API, it must be used together with a specific logging library like Log4J Logging framework. Here are some options on how to bind SLF4J API to different logging libraries. 1. SLF4J API + No logging - A...
2021-11-13, 692🔥, 0💬

mp3spi1.9.4.jar - MP3 SPI for Java Sound
MP3SPI is a Java Service Provider Interface that adds MP3 (MPEG 1/2/2.5 Layer 1/2/3) audio format support for Java Platform. It supports streaming, ID3v2 frames, Equalizer, .... It is based on JLayer and Tritonus Java libraries. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: mp3spi.jar, mp3spi1.9.4...
2021-11-01, 21528🔥, 3💬

Jackson Dataformat XML Source Code
Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java". Jackson also allows you to parse or generate XML messages with the Jackson Dataformat XML Extension. Jackson Dataformat XML Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-dataformat-xml...
2021-10-10, 16049🔥, 0💬

Download Jackson Dataformat Binary Packages
How to download and install Jackson Dataformat Binary Packages? Jackson Core is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java". Jackson Dataformat Extensions support other types of message formats. You can follow these steps to download and install jackson-d...
2021-10-10, 906🔥, 0💬

Jackson is a fast, streaming, zero-dependency and open source JSON processor. It provides JSON parser/JSON generator as foundational building block; and adds a powerful Databinder (JSON&lt;-&gt;POJO) and Tree Model as optional add-on blocks. jackson-mapper-asl.jar is a high-performance data ...
2021-10-10, 889🔥, 0💬

Jackson Base Modules
What are Jackson Base Modules? Jackson base modules are considered foundational, building on core databind, but not including datatype or data format modules, or JAX-/Jakarta-RS providers. Not all "general" modules are included here; this grouping is to be used for more mature (and generally slower ...
2021-10-10, 881🔥, 0💬

Downloading ojdbc8.jar for Oracle 18c
How to download and install ojdbc8.jar for Oracle 18c? ojdbc8.jar for Oracle 18c is a Java JDBC Driver for Oracle Database server provided by Oracle. It is compiled for JDK 8 to 11. You can download ojdbc8.jar for Oracle 18c by clicking the download button below: File name: ojdbc8-18.3.jar File size...
2021-10-02, 6710🔥, 0💬

Using iText Library in Java Programs
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on Using iText Library in Java Programs. Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Using iText Library in Java Programs: Create PDF with iText Java Library Bullet List in PDF with iText Embed I...
2021-10-02, 1065🔥, 0💬

Create PDF with iText Java Library
How to create a simple PDF document with iText Java Library? If you are using iText 7 Java Library to create a simple PDF document, you need minimum 4 JAR files shown below: kernel-7.1.4.jar layout-7.1.4.jar io-7.1.4.jar slf4j-api-1.7.31.jar Here is a tutorial to get you started. 1. Create a Java fi...
2021-10-02, 939🔥, 0💬

Download JAXB 2.3 Specification and API JAR
How to download JAXB 2.3 Specification and API JAR? Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) is a Java API that allows Java developers to map Java classes to XML representations. If you want to learn more details about JAXB, you can follow this tutorial to download JAXB 2.3 Specification and API JAR...
2021-09-18, 3262🔥, 1💬

Download and Install Apache BCEL Binary Package
How to download and install Apache BCEL Binary Package? An Apache BCEL Binary Package is an pre-compiled version of Apache BCEL compressed into a single file like bcel-6.6.1-bin.zip. It is ready to run in JVM on any platform. You can download bcel-6.6.1-bin.zip by clicking the download button below:...
2021-09-09, 1342🔥, 0💬

"javac -source 10 -target 10" - Lower Java Version
How to lower the Java version in the bytecode? I want to generate class files for an older Java environment. If you want generate class files for an older Java environment, you need to use "-source x" and "-target x" options in the "javac" command to compile the Java source code. 1. Check the defaul...
2021-09-09, 1164🔥, 0💬

"javap jar:file:" - Specify Bytecode in JAR
How to specify Bytecode in a JAR file for the "javap" command? If the bytecode is stored in *.class file, you can specify the bytecode for the "javap" command using the class file path name directly. For example: &gt; javap HelloWorldFrame.class &gt; javap \Users\fyicenter\HelloWorldFra me.cl...
2021-09-09, 1092🔥, 0💬

"javap -v" - Verbose Mode
How to "javap" command use verbose mode to print additional information about the selected class. You can use the "-v" or "-verbose" option of the "javap" command to print additional information about the specified class bytecode. 1. Compile HelloWorldFrame.java used in the last tutorial into a byte...
2021-09-09, 1075🔥, 0💬

"javap -v" - Major Version Code
How to use the major version code in the "javap" output to determine the Java version of a Java class bytecode. The bytecode of each Java class has a format version code called "major version" of 2 byres at byte offset 7. You can convert bytecode "major version" to the version of the Java environmen...
2021-09-09, 980🔥, 0💬

Download and Install JDK 1.4
How to download and install JDK (Java Development Kit) 1.4? If you want to write Java applications, you can download and install JDK (Java Development Kit) 1.4 as described below: 1. Go to Oracle Java Archive Website. 2. Click "Java SE 1.4" link. You see the "Java SE 1.4 Archive Downloads" page. 3. ...
2021-09-08, 36516🔥, 4💬

commons-logging-1.1.3.jar, How To Download?
The Logging package is an ultra-thin bridge between different logging implementations. A library that uses the commons-logging API can be used with any logging implementation at runtime. Commons-logging comes with support for a number of popular logging implementations, and writing adapters for othe...
2021-09-07, 7000🔥, 1💬

What Is JDK (Java Development Kit)
What is JDK (Java Development Kit)? JDK (Java Development Kit), also called Java Platform Standard Edition (Java SE) Development Kit, is a collection of tools for developing standard Java applications. JDK is provided by Oracle. JDK contains the following tools: appletviewer – this tool can be used ...
2021-09-06, 2239🔥, 1💬

JDK 11 java.datatransfer.jmod - Data Transfer Module
JDK 11 java.datatransfer.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Desktop module. JDK 11 Data Transfer module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\ja va.datatransfer.jmod.JDK 11 Data Transfer module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\mo.. .
2021-08-22, 8993🔥, 1💬

Apache BCEL Source Code Files
Apache BCEL Source Code Files are inside the Apache BCEL source package file like bcel-6.6.1-src.zip. Unzip the source package file and go to the "src/main" sub-directory, you will see source code files. Here is the list of Java source code files of the Apache BCEL 6.6.1 in \Users\fyicenter\bcel-6.6...
2021-08-21, 78357🔥, 0💬

What Is JDK "javap" Command
What Is JDK "javap" Command? "javap" is a command line tool provided in JDK (Java Development Kit) to help you read Java bytecode class files and disassembles them into JVM (Java Virtual Machine) assembler instructions. "javap" command has the following syntax: Usage: javap &lt;options&gt; &...
2021-08-21, 837🔥, 0💬

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